Thursday, April 8, 2021

Torch relay on traditional 'men-only' boat in central Japan sets sail with women aboard

 Thank you

April 6, 2021

HANDA, Aichi -- A controversial section of the Tokyo Olympic torch relay taking place on a traditional boat that women are excluded from boarding went ahead in this central Japan city without gender restrictions on April 6, after organizers changed plans to keep it men-only amid backlash over its inconsistency with the Olympic Charter.

The "men only" boat is used in the city of Handa's Chintoro Festival, which dates back to the Edo period (the 17th to 19th century) and was planned to carry a torch relay runner as a way to promote the festival.

On the morning of April 6, Taishin Hirano, 26, a member of all-male pop group "Magic Prince," rode the boat as a torch relay runner while about 30 locals, including three women, were on board to recreate the festival.

The Handa Municipal Government originally planned to limit boarding of the boat for the torch relay to men, because women have traditionally not been allowed to ride the sacred vessel during the festival, and the Olympic torch relay task force in Aichi Prefecture approved the local government's request. However, criticism including "They don't understand that the Olympic Charter calls for equality of the sexes" was raised, leading the city government to treat the use of the boat as part of an "event" rather than the "festival," thereby allowing women on the boat.

The torch relay passed through an about 200-meter section of the Handa Canal. Honoka Sakakibara, 6, a local girl suddenly added to the boarding list, smiled, saying, "It was fun." Her father Masao, 36, said, "It was a once-in-a-lifetime experience, so it became a good memory to ride it with my daughter."

Tatsumi Shiraiwa, 69, who serves as a consultant for the festival, said, "It was an event this time, but brought about a good opportunity to think about letting women board in the Shinto ritual festival in future."

(Japanese original by Shinichiro Kawase, Nagoya News Center)

Thank you

女人禁制「ちんとろ舟」、女性も乗船して聖火運ぶ 愛知


HANDA, Aichi -- A controversial section of the Tokyo Olympic torch relay taking place on a traditional boat that women are excluded from boarding went ahead in this central Japan city without gender restrictions on April 6, after organizers changed plans to keep it men-only amid backlash over its inconsistency with the Olympic Charter.

The "men only" boat is used in the city of Handa's Chintoro Festival, which dates back to the Edo period (the 17th to 19th century) and was planned to carry a torch relay runner as a way to promote the festival.

On the morning of April 6, Taishin Hirano, 26, a member of all-male pop group "Magic Prince," rode the boat as a torch relay runner while about 30 locals, including three women, were on board to recreate the festival.

The Handa Municipal Government originally planned to limit boarding of the boat for the torch relay to men, because women have traditionally not been allowed to ride the sacred vessel during the festival, and the Olympic torch relay task force in Aichi Prefecture approved the local government's request. However, criticism including "They don't understand that the Olympic Charter calls for equality of the sexes" was raised, leading the city government to treat the use of the boat as part of an "event" rather than the "festival," thereby allowing women on the boat.

The torch relay passed through an about 200-meter section of the Handa Canal. Honoka Sakakibara, 6, a local girl suddenly added to the boarding list, smiled, saying, "It was fun." Her father Masao, 36, said, "It was a once-in-a-lifetime experience, so it became a good memory to ride it with my daughter."

Tatsumi Shiraiwa, 69, who serves as a consultant for the festival, said, "It was an event this time, but brought about a good opportunity to think about letting women board in the Shinto ritual festival in future."

(Japanese original by Shinichiro Kawase, Nagoya News Center)


Thank you 

女人禁制「ちんとろ舟」、女性も乗船して聖火運ぶ 愛知 東京オリンピックの聖火リレーは6日、愛知県で2日目を迎えた。このうち、同県半田市では江戸時代から続く祭りで使われる女人禁制の「ちんとろ舟」に、乗船者を男性限定にして聖火を運ぶ予定だったが、男女平等の五輪精神に反するとの批判を受けて一転、女性も乗船して実施された。  6日午前、舟には男性アイドルグループ「マジックプリンス」の平野泰新さん(26)がランナーとして乗り込んだ。舟では祭りを再現しようと、子どもを含め計約30人の地元住民が乗船。うち女性は子どもと保護者の計3人が乗った。  半田市は地元で江戸時代から続く「ちんとろ祭り」を盛り上げようと、舟によるリレーを計画。その際、祭りでは舟に乗れるのは男性に限られてきたため、リレーも参加者を男性に限定した。市の申請に県実行委員会も承認していた。しかし、「男女平等をうたった五輪憲章を理解していない」などの批判の声が上がり、市は「祭り」ではなく、あくまで「イベント」として女性の乗船を認めた。  リレーは半田運河の約200メートルの区間を通った。急きょ乗船が決まったという地元の榊原穂香さん(6)は「楽しかった」と笑顔を見せ、父親の全雄さん(36)は「一生に一度なので、娘と一緒に乗れて良い記念になった」と語った。  祭りの相談役を務める白岩辰巳さん(69)は「今回はイベントでのことだったが、今後、神事である祭りにも女性を乗せることを考える良いチャンスになった」と話した。【川瀬慎一朗】

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